American Experience | 体验美国

American Sport Highlight: Lacrosse

May 19, 2014 9:41 am | By William

Lacrosse players at University of North Carolina

Hello again everyone! Previously we’ve talked about American pro-football’s Super Bowl, and college basketball’s March Madness. Today I’d like to talk to you about a sport some of you may not have heard of before: Lacrosse.

Lacrosse is actually a French word given to a game played with sticks and a ball by Native Americans. It was modified and formal rules created in 1856 by the Montreal Lacrosse Club. The highest governing body for lacrosse is the Federation of International Lacrosse based in Wilmington, Delaware, USA.

The game of lacrosse is like field hockey mixed with soccer. Two teams compete to score points by throwing a ball into the other team’s goal. Players can only scoop up the ball with their lacrosse stick (or crosse). They also throw the ball by flinging it right out of the stick without touching it with their hands.

Players wear protective padding that looks similar to American football padding, but not quite extensive. Some physical contact is allowed, but players can still be punished for excessive shoving. The protection is for accidental contact or when the players fall over, and is not meant to allow for full contact collisions.

Similar to lacrosse is Polocrosse. This is a version of lacrosse that mixes it with the sport of polo. Polo is a sport played on horseback, and polocrosse is lacrosse played while riding a horse. The rules of polocrosse are quite similar to lacrosse, but quite different to watch and play.

For more information on lacrosse, you can check out this link: For news about Lacrosse, try here: That’s all we have for you today. What other sports would you like to hear us talk about? Leave a comment below with your choice.