American Experience | 体验美国

Nadia Goes to College: SAT IIs Show off What You Know

January 20, 2014 3:10 am | By Nadia

A couple of posts ago, in the blog about the SATs, I briefly mentioned the SAT II. I realized I might have to go into more detail.
So, what exactly is an SAT II?
Simply put, the SAT IIs are a Subject Test, a way for colleges to see beyond just Reading, Math, and Writing, which the normal SAT measures. It’s a subject test where the test taker is challenged in a specific subject. They are the only national test to assess mastery of specific topics.
Tests offered are:

• Literature
• United States History
• World History
• Mathematics 1
• Mathematics 2
• Biology E/M (Ecological/Molecular)
• Chemistry
• Physics
• French
• German (Reading only)
• Hebrew(Reading only)
• Italian (Reading only)
• Latin(Reading only)
• Spanish(Reading only)
• Chinese
• French
• German
• Japanese
• Korean
• Spanish

So the format is simple: show off how well you know a specific subject. When you sit down for the SAT IIs, it’s the same registration process and admission. The steps are the same and the rules are the same. What’s different, though, is that it’s one book with all these subjects. You can be in a room taking World History and someone next to you could be taking Literature, and you both are holding the same book – you’re just on different pages.

You can take as many tests as you want (or can afford). So let’s say you have registered for U.S and Biology and then decide last minute that you want to take Literature.
Well, you can. Just take it right there and then – it’s the same book remember? They’ll just have to charge you later.

The SAT IIs are a requirement for many colleges– the IVY Leagues require at least two to be taken. Some colleges couldn’t bother looking at them. It’s a matter of researching the colleges you are applying to. Do they want the Subject Test ? If so, take it. If they don’t need it, it would be a waste of money. Remember, unless you have a fee waiver, you’re paying to take these tests.
Hope that helps clear it up a bit! Until next time.