American Experience | 体验美国

IntroAmerica is part of the Regis Technology Accelerator for 2013

June 12, 2013 6:47 pm | By Betty Wong

When I started this organization and website to help others last summer, I didn’t realize how much help we needed ourselves. But as we approach our one year anniversary, I find myself looking forward to joining this very special first class of the Regis Tech Accelerator program and moving to a space with other new/young companies, interns and mentors. The Regis High School and alumni decided to celebrate their anniversary by setting up a program to help companies by hosting them, offering interns and providing Regis alumni as mentors. While my partners and I may have over 100 years of work experience, as I mentioned to a VC recently, it doesn’t mean we can’t benefit from more help and good advice!

As I briefly reflect on the past year, (because no entrepreneur has a lot of time to reflect) I think of all the friends, mentors and advisors that have helped me/us to get where we are now – a resource of information about life in America written by students and advisors for students. There have been some challenges along the way, (including being hacked twice!) but we are surely headed down the right path with Regis. A special ‘shout out’ (American phrase!) for Yao at for introducing us to the program and a very special thanks to Charlie Bonello and Matt Harrigan for accepting us.

So, on June 14, we’ll pack our bags from our office in the East Village near the Public Theater and NYU and move uptown for part of the summer, to be near Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum.  On the morning of June 17, we’ll open up shop at Regis High School on 84th Street, between Park and Madison avenues and meet our new office mates and intern.

Stay tuned for weekly updates from our team members about our experiences in the Regis Accelerator Program. For more information, you can visit this website.


Founder & CEO of Intro America Inc., acting editor of


创业者们!Intro America今夏将加入Regis Tech Accelerator(RTA, 里吉斯科技加速器)!

(译者注:RTA为Regis(里吉斯高中)主办的一个项目,为期六周。旨在帮助创业者和新成立公司发展公司计划并提供技术支持。Intro America和其他五家公司,是从70多家公司中挑选出参加此项目的新成立公司。这种帮助创业者或新成立公司的“加速器”项目在美国比较普遍。)

在去年夏天公司草创之际,我并未意识到要建立一个以辅助和协助为宗旨的网站本身需要这么多的帮助。转眼公司成立将满一周年,我对Intro America即将成为首届Regis Tech Accelerator(RTA,里吉斯科技加速器项目)的一员,与其他新创立的公司、实习生和顾问共事而充满期待。作为一所享有盛誉的百年老校,Regis(里吉斯高中)及其校友将为新创公司提供办公场所、人力(实习生)和已毕业校友的顾问服务。这个加速器项目也是Regis(里吉斯高中)及其校友为庆祝母校建校一百周年而专门创建的。面对这样的机会,我充满期待,甚至跟风投家开玩笑说:虽然我们几个公司合伙人加起来有上百年的工作经验了,不过来自别人的帮助和好的意见总是多多益善。

回顾过去的一年(尽管很多创业者都没空反思),是所有益友、良师一路给予我们的帮助—-学生们写的关于美国生活的信息,以及写给学生的建议和意见—-才让我们走到今天这一步。一路上我们也遭遇一些挑战(包括我们的网站被黑客攻击两次!),但是我确信加入RTA项目是一项明智之举。在此我要特别感谢来自Hatchery公司的Yao-Hui Huang女士把我们介绍给RTA项目,同时也要感谢Charlie Bonello和Matt Harrigan的接纳。

6月14日,Intro America团队将搬离位于曼哈顿东村介于公共剧院和纽约大学之间的办公室,入驻中央公园和大都会博物馆附近的Regis(里吉斯高中),并将在此度过接下来的六周时间。6月17的上午,我们将在Regis(里吉斯高中)位于84街的校园正式参与该项目并开始与新的同事和实习生一起工作。



IntroAmerica Inc创始人及CEO,Introamerica.com代理编辑